Coke: 1000 Name Celebration
In 2017 Coca-Cola added more names than ever to bottles of Coke. To celebrate this we wrote a unique song for every single one of those names. First names, last names, unique names, alternate spellings of names, etc. In total we made over 1050 unique songs. Written, produced, approved, you name it, we did it.

First, people could search for their name, or their friend's name, or their spouse's name, or their dog's name on
Search all tunes here.

You could then share out a song across social media.

A YouTube channel hosted every single song and subsequent video.

We even made songs for people who had no song.

We even made custom songs for celebrities. Ryan Seacrest seemed to dig his.

The campaign even got buzz in the music industry.

Adage gave it some love as well.

A song for Don. 1/1050

A song for Carolina. 3/1050

A song for Shantel. 2/1050

A song for Hannah. 4/1050

A song for those who have no song. 5/1050